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From September 2020 it became statutory for all schools to teach relationships and sex education/RSE and Health Education/ HE.

At Hampreston, we see this as an opportunity to teach the children about positive relationships both within the school and outside of school. It is an important area of the curriculum to ensure that children: understand healthy friendships and relationships; know how to keep themselves safe from abuse; understand how families might be different from one another; understand their own physical and mental well-being; begin to learn some basic first aid.

Why we believe PSHE and RSE is important

Our PSHE education, including statutory Relationships and Health education, and non-statutory sex education, as recommended by the DfE, provides a framework though which key skills, attributes and knowledge can be developed and applied. This promotes positive behaviour, good mental health and wellbeing, resilience and achievement, helping children to stay safe online, develop healthy and safe relationships, making sense of media messages, challenging extreme views and having the skills and attributes to negotiate and assert themselves now and in the future.


Children are encouraged to engage in activities that promote an understanding of themselves as growing and changing individuals, and as members of a wider community, based on their own first-hand experiences. These activities also encourage pupils to understand how their choices and behaviours can affect others. They are encouraged to play and learn alongside – then collaboratively with – their peers. They may use their personal and social skills to develop or extend these activities. Children are also given the opportunity to make choices about their health and environment and are encouraged to develop a caring attitude towards others.


At Hampreston First School we use SCARF, a comprehensive scheme of work for PSHE and Wellbeing education. An overview of SCARF can be found in our appendices. It covers all of the DfE's new statutory requirements for Relationships Education and Health Education, including non-statutory Sex Education, and the PSHE Association’s Programme of Study’s recommended learning opportunities, as well as contributing to different subject areas in the National Curriculum.


We follow the six suggested half termly units and adapt the scheme of work where necessary to meet the local circumstances of our school, for example, we may use our local environment as the starting point for aspects of our work. The school council are also consulted as part of our planning, to ensure pupil voice in considered and fed into the planned programme.

For Parents

The Information Afternoon takes place regularly and a video overview can be found here.

Our parental survey can be found here:

The latest policy can be found on the Policies page.


The Early Years Foundation Stage

In the Early Years Foundation Stage, PSHE and R(S)E is about making connections; it’s strongly linked to child-led activities, including play. PSHE and R(S)E is taught through activities that are part of topics, as well as on an individual basis to develop personal skills such as dressing, feeding and toileting. Positive experiences are built through daily opportunities, to share and enjoy a range of different activities.


Children are given the opportunity to engage in social activities, as members of a small group or occasionally during whole-school activities.

KS1 and KS2

The SCARF programme divides the year into 6 themed units:

Autumn 1 - Me and My Relationships: includes content on feelings, emotions, conflict resolution and friendships;

Autumn 2 - Valuing Difference: a focus on respectful relationships and British values;

Spring 1 - Keeping Myself Safe: looking at keeping ourselves healthy and safe, includes RSE content

Spring 2 - Rights and Responsibilities: learning about money, living the wider world and the environment;

Summer 1 - Being My Best: developing skills in keeping healthy, developing a growth mindset (resilience), goal-setting and achievement;

Summer 2 - Growing and Changing: finding out about the human body, the changes that take place from birth to old age and being safe, includes RSE content.


Within National Curriculum Science in Y2, the children learn that animals, including humans, have offspring that grow into adults. They should be introduced to the concepts of reproduction and growth, but not how reproduction occurs.


As a first school, we do not explicitly teach Sex Education, as we feel it is more appropriate for children in years 5 and 6.

Parents are encouraged to seek further information from their class teacher, if they would like more details about the RSE content in Spring 1 and Summer 2.

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