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At Hampreston, we are committed to supporting our whole community with well-being and mental health.


This is supported through a rich and engaging curriculum, PSHE lessons backed up by the Coram Life Education SCARF scheme [Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience, Friendship] and our school-wide ethos: Respect, Creativity, Uniqueness, Aspiration, Service (Helping), Growth.

The wellbeing of every child is paramount to their success and happiness, both in and outside of school.  We work closely with families to support children's mental health, focusing on managing emotions such as fear or anger and listening to and supporting families who may be experiencing tricky times at home.

We use various universal and targeted strategies within school, such as Zones of Regulation, mindfulness techniques and ELSA sessions (Emotional Litracy Support Assistant).  We are also able to access support from the Mental Health in Schools Team (NHS).  If you have any concerns about your child's emotional wellbeing, please talk to your child's teacher or the school's Senior Mental Health Lead.


Mental Health

We also offer a range of additional activities to promote and support good mental health for everyone in our community.


We take part in National Mental Health Day in February and offer our staff and children the chance to think about how to keep themselves healthy, physically, mentally and spiritually.

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