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Remote Learning

Seesaw is the online learning platform we use to post lessons, work, and videos to support learning while schools are closed to the majority of pupils.

Work will be posted to Seesaw every morning by 7 am and teachers will check in with this learning, providing feedback, throughout the day.

Should you require support with Seesaw please check the Seesaw page or contact the office at: 

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The Oak National Academy are releasing daily lessons for every year group. These lessons follow the national curriculum and are a great resource to supplement the other activities that are being set by each class teacher.

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BBC Bitesize are releasing daily lessons in both maths and English and many other subjects. These are another great resource to look at if you would like other activities to complete with your child. 

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Here are links to a number of other educational websites where you will find lots of learning opportunities.

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All of the children have Bug Club logins and access to lots of books to practice their reading at home. Teachers will be updating this and children can also re-read the books from their libraries. 

TT Rockstars is a fun way for children to practice their times tables. They are offering a FREE TRIAL to parents who sign up on their web page.

Purple Mash is a digital platform that enables you to access games and resources linked to many different areas of the curriculum. This FREE 14-DAY TRIAL will give you access to nearly all of their great resources.

Twinkl have offered a FREE MONTH TRIAL to everyone. Follow this little guide to be able to access lots of different resources to keep both yourselves and your children busy.

The National Trust has planned on opening up all of their open spaces to the public for free during this period.

Nrich is a fantastic website that gives lots of ideas for ways to enrich and challenge maths learning.

Phonics Hero is a fun app that lets children learn and play lots of games related to their phonics. They are offering a FREE 7-DAY TRIAL.

Dorset School Games have organised some great resources to help you and your children to keep active over the coming weeks.

Joe Wicks will be running daily PE sessions from 9 a.m. that children can join in with at home without any equipment.

Audible have made a huge number of books free to listen to without any log-ins, credit cards or passwords. Keep the love of books going with some of these fantastic titles and enjoy listening and learning as a family!

Even if you can't leave the house why not take a virtual tour of some of the most interesting museums and landmarks from all around the world. All of this from the comfort of your own home!

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