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Year 2

The classroom in Year 2 has been extended and improved to provide a light, spacious learning environment for our children. This includes access to tables outside the classroom where children can work in small groups or on a 1:1 basis and a small outdoor area, suitable for tasks such as growing plants in pots. There is a full-time teaching assistant in Year 2.


Children read to an adult frequently during the week, either 1-1 or in groups or through class-wide teaching, which includes a guided reading session. Our teaching assistants are highly experienced and their skills are recognised by everyone who visits the school.


In addition to reading at home on a very regular basis, the children are expected to learn weekly spellings.


The children continue to work collaboratively on increasingly creative tasks, which prove to be lots of fun. The children also enjoy a focus on computing skills. T

The annual trip to Blashford Lakes combines with pond dipping sessions and orienteering activities to provide a popular environmental topic. 

As the children approach the end of their experience in Key Stage 1, they are reminded of the demands and expectations that await them in Year 3 and the start of Key Stage 2.

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