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Our Mission

That at Hampreston we provide all our pupils with an excellent education within the experience of loving, working, and worshipping in a community which is inspired by the Christian Gospel.

Our Values


That all members of the Hampreston family feel valued and listened to

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That we promote passions and dreams for all, helping them to create a vision for life in which to flourish and thrive

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Within our Christian community, all are encouraged to explore, to be imaginative and to be open-minded

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That within God's love, we become global citizens, loving and serving one another, giving of ourselves to our community and to the wider world

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That there is a space for all to be individual, to discover themselves, and recognise their self-worth

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That each member of the School community is supported to grow in resilience, by trying new things and in perseverance

Our Vision

That our children will be confident.

They should enjoy reading; know how to solve problems; appreciate diversity;
and have contributed to the School community.

Our Aim

That over the next five years Hampreston First School will be recognised across East Dorset for the excellence of its provision for education and personal well-being, both for pupils and staff. 

To achieve this, our main areas of focus are:
  • THAT pupil progress in Maths will be measurably enhanced
  • THAT in all Foundation subjects the quality of increased outcomes will be measurably improved
  • THAT Mental Health and Well-Being will be excellent
  • THAT all pupils will have measurably improved Reading outcomes, using the enhanced Phonics scheme
  • THAT all elements of the new SIAMS framework will be embedded in every aspect of school life
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